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Kunshan Xinkeying Abrasive Machinery Co., Ltd.

Contact:Lu Yunguang


Add:No. 11 Zhaotian Road, Lujia, Kunshan, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Global abrasive market sales reached 51.3 billion US dollars in 2019

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2019/5/31 10:02:14 Hits:926
American Business News Agency Albany Transparency Market Research Corporation, New York, announced the global abrasive (consolidated abrasives, coated abrasives, superhard abrasives, steel ball abrasives, free abrasives and other industries) scale, trend and other consumer market forecast report. According to the report, from 2013 to 2019, the global market value of abrasives is expected to reach 3.5 billion US dollars in 2012, 51.389 billion US dollars in 2019 and 5.5% annual compound growth rate.
The fastest consuming areas and markets of abrasive Abrasives are automobiles, medical devices and the growing field of electrical equipment. In 2012, the demand for abrasives was 13.93 million 9.700 tons. However, due to the government's strict policy restrictions on the use of silicon-containing abrasives and volatile raw material prices, the development of abrasives market will be restrained. With the increasing application of garnet in abrasive sandblasting cleaning and water jet cutting technology, the global abrasive market will benefit.
Global abrasive products are divided into: consolidation, coating, raw materials, steel balls and free abrasives and other abrasive products. In 2012, consolidated Abrasives accounted for the largest market share, followed by coated abrasives and free abrasives. The sales revenue of consolidated abrasives in 2012 is 12.27 billion US dollars, and it will reach 16.71 billion US dollars in 2019. According to the end users, the abrasive market is divided into machinery, transportation, power and electronic equipment and other. The machinery industry led the abrasive wear industry in 2012, accounting for 23.8% of the global abrasive wear share, and is expected to increase from $8.586 billion in 2012 to $12.418 billion in 2019. According to the countries and regions of abrasive consumption market, North America, Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the rest of the world. In 2012, the Asia-Pacific region accounted for 55.8% of global consumption of abrasives, followed by the European region.
Kunshan Xinkeying Abrasive Machinery Co., Ltd.
Service hotline: 0512-57754153
Zip code: 215000
Address: No. 11 Zhaotian Road, Lujia, Kunshan, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Copyright: Kunshan Xinkeying Abrasive Machinery Co., Ltd. Su ICP No. 15023210